
  • Contributing to open source for the first time

    This is my first official contribution to an open source project and makes me happy....

  • 99 Bottles of OOP - Takeways

    Writing code that is easy to read and understand is an act of kindensss...

  • Implementing a Coffee-Chat Bot for RocketChat in Ruby

    Using Ruby and GitLab Pipeline schedules to facilitated socializing in RocketChat group channels...

  • Retrospective 2020

    For about 6 years together with my husband we are doing at the end of the year a retrospective. We discuss about what we achieved the current year together and individually....

  • Working 2 weeks from seaside

    At the beginning of September we had the crazy idea to stay 2 weeks at Black Sea side. It is off sezon, it shouldn't be crowded, might be a bit windy and rainy but we get to see the sea this year....

  • Hello and welcome!

    I'm Alina and this is my first post in my finally official website, this sounds more than it actualy is....

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